Collect, Refer, Trade, Earn and Play with your Foxes
Reach the maximum powers of digital foxes
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Add more foxes to your team and watch your score grow exponentially. Keep your fox always active for better results.
Play & Earn
Collect nft foxes and earn coins.

Land Fox
To start you will mix two foxes and you will get the power of the Land Fox, it is capable of moving earth and sand.

Bubble Fox
Then you will get the power of Bubble Fox, it has the power to shape and control water.

Plant Fox
Next you conquer the power of the plant Fox, its power is to control the leaves, trees and flowers.

Rainbow Fox
Rainbow Fox is next, with the power to release colorful rays from her beautiful horn she can fly like a large bird.

Afro Fox
Afro Fox is synonymous with luxury and wealth, with his Magic Crystals he can control fire and manipulate gold.
Q4 / 90%
Create NFT Game
Create Foxiffy plataform. A digital NFT Game solution. An engaging and fun collectible NFTs game with a new team gameplay model that will surprise you
Q4 / 10%
Events & Meetup Users and team
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Q4 / 50%
Private beta Users
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Q2 / 45%
Merchandise Release
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Q1 / 30%
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